Forums Appliance Q&A Forum Advice for purchasing used commercial freezer
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  • #3121
    4 Posts

    Hey, guys,
    I’m running a restaurant. Due to COVID-19, our restaurant was closed to the public for more than a month. Now, I’m trying to reopen the restaurant, It requires a great deal of preparation, testing, and execution. While starting a restaurant, I plan to display some items such as ice cream, cakes, etc in front of the store.
    And I’m thinking of putting the display freezer at the door so that consumers may easily access it.
    Due to a limited budget, I am considering acquiring a True’s used commercial freezer.
    I’m curious if anyone has tried this brand before.
    Are you satisfied with it?

    5 Posts

    I Will suggest that you should go for a new one and not depend upon a used one as it may cause you some other problem. Get yourself a new 240-volt fridge which I think is offered on the best offers on Samstores.

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